You have to kind of wonder WTF is going on in Texas. Today the second Dallas Nurse has tested positive for Ebola. Did you know that Ebola has been around since 1976, according to CNN. According to the Wiki page on Ebola in West Africa, less than 5000 people have been confirmed to have died of Ebola. It’s been around for over 30 years. It is not airborne. The CDC says that it has to enter your body through a wound, cut or mucous membrane. So what do you need to stay Ebola Free:
• Latex gloves
• Ear loop mask to protect mucous membranes in your nose.
• Goggles to protect the mucous membranes around your eyes
• Disposable gown
• And disposable booties for your shoes.
Since we are talking about healthcare workers, good hand-washing techniques should also be a no-brainer.
Here we are with the second Texas Nurse testing positive for Ebola. Not only did the nurse test positive for Ebola but also got on an airplane with a temperature of 99.5. Um. hello…. Typhoid Mary! WTF is wrong with healthcare these days. Dallas is not some Podunk little town in the middle of West Africa. It is a Mother Effing metropolis. It is the largest city in Texas. It is the 9th largest city in the United States. There should be accountability for the actions of healthcare professionals who are so careless with the community that they serve.
So now we have Ebola in Cleveland. Since the infected nurse took a commercial airline flight with a fever of 99.5, after knowingly taking care of the only patient in Texas with Ebola. WTF is wrong with people. I have not worked in healthcare for ten years. Still I know that when I want to find out about something medical, I can go right to the CDC website and look up information that is relevant. I know that if I have the flu I should not get on an airplane where all of the air is recycled. If you are on Frontier Flight 1143 From Dallas to Cleveland, the CDC is looking for you. Don’t run home and kiss your kids or your spouse. And crying out loud, try not to cough on anyone.
What the hell is wrong with healthcare workers these days? Did we learn nothing from HIV in the 1980’s? Hospital Acquired Infections or nosocomial infections are known by the CDC to cause roughly 100,000 deaths each year. Why are we still having these kinds of health related issues? We go to the hospital to get better, and we come home with something new and potentially worse. Now we have a plane full of people who were just going home or going on vacation, and because of the lax judgement of a nurse from a hospital that apparently cannot understand how to isolate a potentially deadly virus they are now at risk for contracting Ebola. The nurses say there were no protocols. How can there be no protocols when dealing with patients who must be isolated? Every single one of those nurses has probably had a smart phone, and every single one of those nurses understood that the original patient had Ebola. How many patients did they pass that virus too? The CDC makes it simple to protect yourself. In fact, just go to the CDC website and you too can protect against Ebola. They say there were no protocols… BS there were no protocols.