Hello NewzBreaker readers out there across the world. It’s a cool 63 degrees here today on Miami Beach with the sun glimmering over the Biscayne Bay. If you have not experienced the South Beach vibe, you must come down and check it out. Though it’s not the same as it was in the late 50’s and 60’s, it still has it allure for sure.
Miami Beach is where I actually met the topic of today’s column, The Three Stooges. It was the summer of 58, and I was doing some PR work for Frank Sinatra at the Fontainebleau Hotel on Miami Beach when I walked into the lobby, to see Moe Howard standing there checking into the hotel.
Being a fan of his for years, I walked up to him and introduced myself. Within seconds, Frank Sinatra and his group came up to Moe as well who come to find out, went way back with Frank.
Frank slapped me on the back and said, “Moxie Man” no one is funnier in the business than Moe. I want you to see what you can do to get us in a show together.”
With that statement from Frank, Moe and I went to have breakfast. We had a great conversation and he told me about his brother Curly, who was always my favorite stooge. Moe called him “Babe”. While we were sitting there, Joe Besser who replaced Shemp when he passed away and Larry Fine joined us. From that point on, it was hysterics with them having me on the floor.
Moe invited me to a commercial shoot that the Stooges were doing for a local car dealership. More hysterics ensued… From that day forward, Moe and I stayed in touch until his death in 1975.
With the recent Stooges movie coming out, and getting panned, I thought about Moe and how he would feel about it. I think I can say, he would appreciate that fans were still thinking of the Stooges even if the quality of the film from reviews was not the greatest.
If you want to see classic Stooge stuff, flick on your TV and you will without a doubt, find them on some channel around the world.