The world’s fascination with the paranormal and supernatural goes back many centuries with countless recorded cases of unexplained events or unusual people presumed to be demons, witches or something even worse. Most tales of paranormal activity will be waved away as nonsense, a mistake of the mind, a trick of the light, or else an outright lie. But then there are some incidences that just cannot be ignored or blamed on the cat. Personal encounters that others cannot or just will not understand, incidences that have forever changed how we look at the world; and no matter how much we believe what we saw, explaining it to someone else and making them accept it for what it is a whole other story.
But what happens when the masses see, feel or experience something? Does it somehow become more real because more than just yourself has witnessed it, or is it merely mass hysteria? That’s just one of the topics I will cover in my articles on NewzBreaker. I intend to shed light on some of the most famous cases in history and of course some of the not so famous ones as well. I cannot label myself an expert with a scrapbook of certifications nor am I a Hans Holzer, but I can call myself a sincere believer with many years of experience.
I would love to hear from readers as well, share your stories with me knowing you will not be judged or criticized in any way. I would love to feature reader contributions in future articles, it’s a good way to find out you’re not alone as well as just getting an incident off your chest. Next time I’ll begin covering some of the most famous paranormal cases in history and putting my two cents in the pot.
Until then, keep the night light burning.
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