Lately the one stock making headlines both for and against investing has been Bitcoin. So, let’s take a good look at what Bitcoin is and whether it is good to invest in a stock like this one.
When people talk about investing in stocks the first thing that comes to mind is commodities, like corn, wheat, etc. Bitcoin is a very different stock altogether. Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, which means that it is digital money. This stocks trades 24 hours a day. It keeps trading after market closes before market opens, it does not matter. It began in 2009 by a man called Satoshi Nakamoto who has been very mysterious.
Lately, Bitcoin has been up more than $15,000 a share and has been a low as $8,000 a share recently and is projected to dive to $5,000 soon. This stock has been the highest of the high and has dived down again, and then gone back up. The rates of which no one has ever seen. This is why it has been in the headlines, lately. Most investors are split right down the middle as to whether they think it is the wave of the future or a phase that we will get over. However, the Stock Market as a whole is known for its ebb and flow.
Bitcoin is not the only cryptocurrency. Litecoin, Ethereum, and several others make up the cryptocurrency market along with the technology that helps to mine the bitcoin and the technology to make the coin transactions. There are new cryptocurrencies all of the time. Last month, it was announced, a new one called Metronome should be hitting the markets in March. As Bitcoin has gone up, so have all of the other cryptocurrencies and now that it is down the others have followed suit.
Now, the SEC has said yesterday that they are going to start regulating the Crypto market. As it stands right now there are very few laws protecting investors. However, is this the direction that our money is headed? Whenever you have something digital, that is new, the question of whether or not it is a phase or permanent, comes up. They said the same about Cell phones, and now we have smartphones. Star Trek had tablets years before they were actually sold on the markets. Bitcoin is very risky right now with the volatility that it has. However, some of the other cryptocurrencies may not be as risky as Bitcoin. It is always recommended to do research in any fund, stock, or bond before investing.
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